Re-targeting Marketing has to be hands down the most effective strategy for complimenting all your marketing efforts combined. As well, exponentially increasing your ROI by incorporating this method. By placing a strip of code on your website any visitor you receive will then drop what’s known as a cookie. A cookie is a form of text file that makes it possible to track said visitor all over the Internet.

Thus by doing so we’re able to remain on their radar with our clients messages and offers by placing pre-made marketing banners within their path.

Why is Re-targeting Marketing So Effective?

Retargeting marketing is extremely effective due to the simple fact that we’re staying right with your prospect at the key times they are in a decision making cycle…and/or at the key times they are most receptive to hearing about your products and services.

Why would this matter?

It matters because your spending money on your marketing right? What happens when a visitor hits your site through whatever marketing channels you may be deploying and does absolutely nothing…They didn’t opt in…They didn’t call you and they didn’t email you. In two words “They’re Gone!”  But that still doesn’t mean they weren’t interested in your products. They may just not have been ready to make the purchase at that moment.

If you have retargeting in place, you can stay “Top of Mind” while your products and services are fresh in your prospects mind and wean them back.

Recycle Your Traffic…It Flat Out Works!

Retargeting marketing works! Its cost effective and can completely reverse a non buyer prospect into a repeat customer if utilized correctly. At Create Online Web we have a lot of experience in retargeted marketing or retargeting marketing if you prefer.We can create the perfect targeted banner for your ideal client and keep presenting your messages to them wherever they may be on the Internet!

Albeit Social Media sites, blogs, forums, Pandora, Youtube, Instagram, facebook..It really doesn’t matter.

When you’re ready to take your marketing to this level and know 100% verifiably you’re completely dialed in on attracting your perfect customer…Give Create Online Web a call. We’ll work out all the details of your messages with you, create beautiful banners that attract and sell…handle the entire set up and help you recycle ALL that traffic that would have been wasted had it not been for retargeting marketing!