Try The Most Advanced Lead Capturing
Systems Ever Created…FREE!

The pace of change in the world of digital marketing is now accelerating so quickly, you are at the risk of being hopelessly left in the dust. Even for a seasoned marketer, it’s scary. Everything you “think” you know about marketing in 2014 either no longer applies or needs to be heavily modified going into this year.

It’s Darwinism 101 – Adapt or die.

More and more website owners are realizing that they’ve been missing one mission-critical piece in their marketing strategies….They’re not building their list. Their certainly spending the money trying to get traffic to their websites and their intentions are good, but by not building their opt-in lists they’re leaving HUGE piles of cash on the table for their competitors to just come in and swoop up at will.

The Concept is So Simple You’ll Probably Smack Yourself for Not thinking about it Sooner….

So think about this for a minute….You’re spending your hard earned money on your marketing as you should be….but what happens when a visitor you spent those hard-earned marketing dollars on decides not to do anything at all when they enter your website? Meaning no phone call, no means to leave their names or emails…The simple answer is…you’ve lost that prospect forever. And the sad truth is, they probably made it to your website because they have an interest in your product or service but they’re just not quite ready to pull the trigger and commit.

Your Prospects Are On The Fence…Give Them a Gentle Nudge and They’ll Be Your Customer For Life!

These prospects are what we call in a decision-making cycle. Their interested in your services, but they might be in a decision-making or researching mode only and just checking out your offerings as well as your competitors in order to do a side-by-side comparison of their options. So they’re basically on the fence.

Get them OFF The Fence By Making Them an Irresistible Offer

If you want to fill your sales funnel full of hyper-responsive BUYERS then the answer is simple….Put a lead capture system on your website and give your visitors a compelling reason to want to give up their names and emails. By having some type of lead-capturing mechanism on your website you have the opportunity to not only skyrocket your sales but have a hyper-responsive customer begging you to keep them updated and in the loop on ALL your special offers, new product lines, information about your services etc. Its like setting up a hot dog cart stand directly in front of a starving crowd! YOU WILL GET LEADS AND YOU WILL MAKE SALES!

So How Does Having a Lead Capture Form On Your Website Help?

The Simple Answer Is: You’re Going to Be Piggybacking off of Your Existing Marketing Efforts. The concepts simple…If you’re already spending advertising and marketing dollars albeit direct mail, Prestige coupons, Groupon, Living Social, Google Adwords, newspapers, yellow pages, Facebook pay-per-click advertising or paying for SEO whatever…Now imagine how much traffic those channels are already sending to your website. By having a lead-capturing mechanism in place on your landing pages, you could be building a massive list and adding value to your already instilled marketing channels by piggybacking off the marketing you’re already doing! MARKETING 101

We use this exact system for ourselves, to handle all the traffic that hits our sites.

Not only us, but our clients as well are able to…

  • Build up our subscriber bases so that we can now market to our list of subscribers anytime we want to run a promotion or special offer at the push of a button
  • You won’t have to go looking for fresh traffic each time you have something to promote
  • It’s a permission-based asset, meaning that those who sign up have given you permission to share and communicate with them. This gives you authority.
  • It’s being proactive and enables you to communicate when you need to with a qualified audience who is likely to pay more attention (since they have already opted into your list).
  • It’s low cost and it helps you capture the impact (or Piggyback) from any promotional efforts you do (e.g. if someone links to your site and sends traffic there but you aren’t offering any clear way for them to sign up, then you lose out on the impact of that traffic… Like SEO, Prestige Coupons, Groupon offers, Living Social, Google Adwords, Facebook PPC, Direct Mail, Television, and Radio just to mention a few…
  • Redirect a non-interested viewer to another offer that interests them
  • Force the viewer to make micro-commitments…They don’t have to buy today but they very well may buy tomorrow by keeping in touch with them
  • Register participants to your webinar events
  • Building a retargeting list at the same time has never been easier

This Is as REAL As It Get’s!

This is a real strategy, that is allowing us to get the conversions, help build our client base and make the kind of money every site owner should be making. It’s not rocket science, it’s “Marketing Technology” or Empowered Marketing…

Creating your lead capture system is not as tough as some people think it is. The simple elements to online lead generation are as follows

  • Create an irresistible offer
  • Formulate traffic strategy
  • Design creative material and media
  • Develop website landing pages, thank you pages and upsell pages (optional)
  • Push audience through all marketing channels to website landing pages
  • Measure, analyze, and interpret conversion data to improve lead generation


Create Online Web is a local South Florida SEO/Digital Marketing agency that provides online marketing solutions for local business owners that are designed to help them achieve a competitive advantage online. By incorporating sophisticated digital marketing strategies for our clients we ensure their ability to present their primary products and services to their ideal target market at the key times and places they’d be most receptive to hearing about our client’s particular services and offers.

For more information or to discuss how Create Online Web can assist you with your online marketing initiatives give us a call at +1 305-424-8179 or fill out our contact us form here: CONTACT US and one of our friendly customer service reps will be happy to assist you.